From 31st March 2023, the underlying weather feed, Dark Sky, will cease to function as a result of being purchased by Apple. Due to this WeatherBagel will shut down for the foreseeable future.

I've sadly not had enough time to develop a new version of the site using alternative data feeds, and life just gets more complicated each day so I can't see my schedule freeing up any time soon.

I hope everyone found the site useful in avoiding those unwanted showers!

- Alvaro

Weather tracking for sports people

Are you an active outdoors person? Love cycling, running or hiking? Hate getting wet? Weather Bagel will help you to keep a track on the weather during your adventures.

Get started with the following three simple steps:

+ Click to choose a TCX/GPX file

Uploading route...

Try again

What is GPX/TCX?

The GPS eXchange (GPX) and Training Center XML (TCX) file formats are designed to allow you to map a set of GPS coordinates as part of a route. Weather Bagel then uses these files to plot a series of weather forecast points.

In order to do this, you will need to use a tool or site that enables you to create and export these routes. Below are some popular and completely free sites to do this:
